Signed in as:
Signed in as:
The Journalism Education Association of New Zealand is a network of professional journalism educators.
We aim to:
Greg Treadwell
Vice President
Akhteruz Zaman
Cathy Strong
Teresa Housel
Cate Prestidge
Susan Boyd-Bell (2011)
Ruth Thomas (2011)
Alan Samson (2011)
Jim Tully (2011)
Jim Tucker (2012)
Jeremy Smith (2013)
Margie Comrie (2014)
Cathy Strong (2021)
1. Name
The name of the society shall be the Journalism Education Association of New Zealand Incorporated.
2. Objects
The objectives of the Association are to:
3. Membership
Membership of the Association is available to anyone interested in the education of journalism in New Zealand, or others as may be admitted by the Association’s Executive.
All members are entitled to attend all meetings of the association.
The categories of membership:
Any member of the association may be expelled by two-thirds majority vote of the general membership for any reason deemed sufficient cause for expulsion. Any member may appeal the decision and may present a case before a quorum of the general membership of the Association at a general meeting called for such purpose.
Dues to the Association must be paid on a calendar basis, due and payable on or before the date of the annual general meeting. Members whose dues for the current year are not paid shall be suspended from membership.
All members – full, associate and life – must pay to attend the Association’s annual conference and conference dinner.
Members can resign from the Association at anytime by advising the secretary in writing. No part of the annual subscription already paid by a resigning member is refundable to that member.
4. Meetings
The financial year of the Association shall run from December 1 through to November 30 of each year. The annual general meeting of the Association shall be held prior to December 31 each year for the transaction of such business as may come before the general membership. This meeting shall be held at a time and place selected by the Executive.
Each meeting of the Association and the Executive and other special meeting of the Association shall be called by written notice to the appropriate members not less than 14 days before the proposed meeting. This notice shall present the proposed agenda. A motion of urgency may be put and passed only with two-thirds agreement of a quorum present that the condition of urgency exists.
A special general meeting may be called at any time by a written request of any 10 members of good standing (financial) to the Executive. Written notice shall be sent at least 14 days prior to the date requested for the special general meeting.
A proxy may be executed in writing by any member of good standing to any other member of good standing. It must be signed and handed to the person who is to chair the meeting for consideration before the start of the meeting. A proxy may be revoked by the member on appearance at the meeting.
5. Quorum
A quorum exists when at least one third of the eligible voters are present at any meeting called. Any act of a majority of those eligible voters present in such a quorum shall be an act of the general membership, except where these Rules require a two-thirds majority of the eligible voters to carry.
6. Offices
The affairs of the Association shall be administered by an Executive, consisting of President, Secretary and Treasurer. The President shall act as Chair. In the absence of the President, the Treasurer shall act as Chair.
Officers shall be elected at the annual general meeting by the general membership for a term of one year. Officers shall hold office until their successors have been duly elected and installed in office.
Officers shall serve as such without compensation, except that the Executive may direct that compensation be paid to members for services rendered to the Association above and beyond their normal duties. The Executive may provide for reimbursement of travel expenses and accommodation for any of its members representing the Association at official functions.
7. Officers
a) President.
The President of the Association shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive, and shall be ex-officio a member of all committees of the Association discharging all the normal duties of the presiding officer of an organisation.
The President can serve a maximum of two years in the office.
b) Vice-president
The Vice-President shall take charge and be responsible for all duties of the President when the President is absent. The Vice-President can serve a maximum of two years in the office.
c) Secretary
The Secretary shall be responsible for:
There is no maximum period that the Secretary can serve.
d) Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be responsible for:
There is no maximum period that the Treasurer can serve.
8. Election of officers
Nominations for the office of President shall be accepted from the general membership at the annual general meeting.
Each eligible member shall vote for one nominee. The nominee receiving the majority of votes shall be elected President.
All voting shall be by showing of hands.
The meeting shall then elect a Secretary and Treasurer by the same procedure.
Nominations for the office of President shall be sent in writing to the Secretary not less than two weeks before the annual general meeting. All nominations must be proposed and seconded. The person nominated cannot propose or second themselves.
Each eligible member shall vote for one nominee. The nominee receiving the majority of votes shall be elected President.
All voting shall be by secret written ballot, administered by the incumbent Secretary.
The meeting shall then elect a Secretary and Treasurer by the same procedure.
9. Vacancies
In the case of any vacancy in any office of the Association either caused by failure to elect, resignation or death, such vacancy may be filled by the Executive at any regular or special meeting for the balance of the term of office or until a successor is duly elected and installed.
10. Logo
a) The logo shall be a rubber stamp that stamps the words “Common seal of the Journalism Education Association of New Zealand Incorporated”.
b) The logo must be used to stamp all legal documents and contracts the Association enters into.
11. Finances
The Association’s monies will be administered by the Executive. All monies of the Association shall be deposited in the name of the Association in such bank account(s) as shall be designated by the Executive.
13. Committees
The Executive may appoint committees as necessary to meet the objectives of the Association or for the proper functioning of the Association.
14. Procedure
All meetings of the Association shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. In the event of dispute(s) not covered by this Rules, Robert’s Rules of Order shall apply.
15. Winding up
If, upon the winding up of or dissolution of the Association, there remains after the satisfaction of its dents and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Association, but shall be given or transferred to some charitable organisation in New Zealand.
16. Amendment(s)
Amendment(s) to the Rules may be proposed by any member of good standing and considered at any regular meeting or special meeting of the general membership of the Association.
Notice of the proposed amendment(s) shall be mailed by the Secretary to all eligible voters of the Association at least 30 days prior to the meeting for discussion and voting on the amendment(s).
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